Everyone is getting money from the government this year to stimulate the economy. The checks will be between $300 and $1,200 (or some such thing. I'm a bit confused about the details). Bottom line: Free money. Kara, Jason and Henry plan to buy a new laptop computer, if the check is big enough. And Kara wants to visit Carol in Oregon. THE QUESTION: How do you plan to spend your money? And we hope you don't say bills.

Pretty soon you guys won't have to use singles.. oh yeah.. i would also use the money to visit carol, retroactively, we're going in march!
Since people are using the money to come see us, we'd better use the money to buy beer! (and cocoa and pasta(Kara and Danielle respectively))
Carol will be going to Ikea(for a chair and rug).
Dan will be investing it in windsurfing equipment.
Maybe Jason won't get his laptop. I like Carol's idea of going to IKEA.
I like the idea of a new laptop, with fast internet service. It won't happen in the deep woods here, soooo, I think I will pay some bills. Ha Ha. No, ok, so I want to go visit all my kids and espeically Henry and my Massachucetts families, whom I don't get to see very often. Maybe a plane trip? That would be cool, and fast!
Mom: OK, it's settled. You're coming to visit. Which weekend? Jason
Mom: OK, it's settled. You're coming to visit. Which weekend? Jason
I am with Mary, using it to visit. I am buying Patchy a ticket to come see his folks, then I would love to go to Newburyport, to visit all the weird kids in the family!!
Congradulations Jason!!! Maybe since you will be rich soon, you should send us all money????
I loved the pictures by the way!!
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