
Jude: 1 week old !

Jesus Birthday

Henry is finally getting it. His third Christmas was a big success: he understands Santa, said happy birthday to Jesus, and was excited about opening each gift (thanks to everyone out there who gave him a present). We had hot chocolate and Christmas music and really took our time because Henry wanted to play with each toy for about 10 minutes after he opened them. Jude drank Christmas formula, Kara tried ignoring her c-section pain, and Jason marveled over his new book, "Too Fat to Fish." We had Christmas lunch at Kara's grandmother's home, clam chowder to start and a prime rib meal cooked by her Uncle Michael. Christmas 2008 was fun for our family because we have a new baby and a healthy two-year-old. We hope all of you had a great Christmas, too. Or if you're a Jewish like J.C. , Happy Hanukkah.

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at my parents house. The whole family gets together for dinner and to open presents.


A bunch of photos

Beautiful Jude Jason Tait
Henry holding his brother for the first time.
Sleepy boy

Henry giving kisses to his baby brother.

Henry feeding Jude Jason.
getting ready to go home!
Jude loves to chew on his clothes.
In mommy and daddy's bed
Sleeping in the living room.
Jude and Jason fast asleep last night. A few minutes after this shot Jude was halfway down Jason's lap just about to fall off. I saved his life!!!!

The visitors

Thanks all who came to visit us at the hospital. It meant a lot to us.
My brother Michael was the first visitor to meet Jude. Michael was waiting for us in the waiting room. Michael is also Jude's Godfather.
Proud Grandma. Thank you mom for taking care of Henry while Jason and I were at the hospital.
Grammy Mary sure does love baby Jude.
Papa Hank and Grammy Mary traveled all the way from Michigan in a snowstorm to be with us on our special day.
Squires family. Shaina is not in the picture.
Jude's uncle Thomas
Auntie MJ. Thanks MJ for all the phone calls prior to Jude's birth. It meant a lot to me.
My brother Adam.
Chuck. (Heather's husband) Thanks for coming!
My friend Heather who drove from Duxbury in a snow storm to visit. You guys are the best!
Our sister-in-law Lisa, Anthony is there too, but not photographed.
Jude's cousin Martina