Jude crawls now so we need to child-proof the place. We waited too long to do it. He crawled into our hallway where we had a glass candle holder, which he tipped over. The shattered glass cut into his left hand pretty good. He cried and cried and blood was everywhere. I wanted to freak out but tried to stay calm. My mom came over and we took him to the doctor's office. The don't give infants stitches. Instead they use glue. Poor kid was so sad. So was Henry. On the way back from the doctor's office Jude returned to normal and chewed his bloody bandage into disrepair.
Please give him kisses and hugs from his Papa and Grammy. He will be fine, that's what is great about skin.
Baby Jude...don't do that!!! Oh baby, that's heartbreaking!!! Keep up that crawling though dude, that's sweet!!!! Good job buddy, get well soon!!!
Oh no! Stinker Jude. Hope he is better in no time!........c.
OMGosh!!! Kara!!!! I had non idea, what happend till I just read your blog!!!! How is he doing now?
My heart is breaking! :(
Ps. When did he start crawling...at exactly what age...Just so I can keep it in mind for Emma.
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