Henry woke up around 2 a.m. coughing hard, breathing hard and feverish: 104. He also vomited. Not knowing what to do, we went to the professionals at Caritas Hospital in Brockton. It was a long night. We did not leave until 8:15 and he was awake for the whole thing. He has croup. They gave him steroids and a nebulizer. Hopefully he's better by the time his Grandma Mary and Papa Hank visit from Michigan on Saturday.
Croup is a group of respiratory diseases that often affect infants and children under age 6. It is characterized by a barking cough; a whistling, obstructive sound (stridor) as the child breathes in; and hoarseness due to obstruction in the region of the larynx. It may be mild, moderate or severe, and severe cases, with breathing difficulty, can be fatal if not treated in a hospital.

About 5 a.m waiting to be seen after being there for 3 hours already. Poor little sick boy.

Henry had to wear my t-shirt because he spit up his medicine all over his clothes.

Content on Daddy's lap playing with his fish.

Trying to fall asleep on mommy.

Nebulizer treatment
Oh I am sorry. It is horrible to have a really sick child, it makes you sick feeling. I can remember Patrick got sick all the time.
Love you Henry!!
I remember Patrick's sickness -- the bad kidney, right? Wow ... now that I'm a dad, it is a lot easier to understand how hard that must have been for you. It's 4 p.m. and Henry is awake. He's sick, but doing better. Jason
Oh Poor Henry!!!
He looks so cute even when he is sick... Hey little buddy, I hope you get well very fast!!
I was so sad to see that posting today.
Poor Henry, (poor parents too). Its' long and slow going. I'm so happy he is home with his mommy and daddy. Croup is yucky. Sorry, but thankful for medicine and doctors to help him get better.
Oh no! I'm so sorry Henry is sick. I understand the frustration with kids and breathing difficulties. You just want to take that big breath of air for them. His medicine should make him feel better in no time. Get well and get rest! Give Henry a kiss from us.
Hope he feels better soon!
Get better Henry!
I remember when Bear had croup. NOT FUN and definately scary! Not to mention that croup is at it's best at night, the time when all you want to think about is sleep! Here's to feeling better Henry!
I don't usually comment, but those pictures looked so sad, & I feel a bit responsible because he probably got croup from my house! So sorry Henry! Next time, no germy kids will be running around.
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