When I was taking out the trash Wednesday night, Kara warned me that there was a dead or dying raccoon in the trash barrel. I took the camera along. The image revealed this seemingly dead opossum. The species confusion was due to fright: our sister-in-law Lisa saw the animal only briefly and it scared her almost to death, so she failed to get a proper ID before warning Kara about it. But I still think it's funny that this opossum was mistaken for a raccoon. In the morning the barrel was on its side and the animal was missing.
Jason do you remember when we found baby opossums on the side of the road with their dead mom? So we took them home and tried to feed them and raise them. Then they grossed us out so bad we let them die.
Those animals are probably the ugliest of God's creatures.....c.
Those little ugly critters remind me of always having you brave boys take care of gross "thingy's" that I would find in our house. Daniel would get a dead anything and pick it up and throw it away. It always did and still does gross me out to have dead mice or something. Remember when Jason cooked all those frogs in his metal bucket?
Just to clarify ... The frogs cooked on accident. I left a bunch of frogs in a can or jar of some sort and they baked in the sun.
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