This evening I made an apple pie, believe it or not for the first time. I always made apple crunch in the past but never apple pie. It was a perfect ending to a beautiful fall day.

I used a variety of apples.

Pile high.

Just before going into the oven.

Just baked.

Apple pie bliss.

Oh...... this was our dinner. Ham and cheese panini and tomato soup
Ummm....YUM!!! You should definitely make one of those pies again and be sure to invite the Squires' over ;)
Mmmm. I love soup and sandwiches. And chili and sandwiches. And, if I must, just sandwiches or just soup.
That pie looks so delicious, your dinner scrumptious and it is all so nicely put together. mmmmmm yum.
do you have a pannini press? I have always wanted one. what kind of bread is that??
Out of all of my friends you are the best cook!!!!!
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