
Chubby cheek boy

Today I had another altrasound and everything is going fine. Baby boy is getting so big. He's almost 4 pounds already. They said he will probably be a big boy. That's what I like.... A thriving big baby. They said that he is breech and that I would have to c-section, good thing that I am already having one! If everything goes as planned we should be having him the first week of december. Look at that cute chubby cheek!!!!!


Squires Family said...

He looks like such a cutie already!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the ultrasound is amazing.. I'm shocked at how detailed it is..
Glad to hear everything is going well. Looking forward to meeting him soon!
Auntie MJ

Anonymous said...

I Love you little Baby!

Sonya and Pete said...

Those are the best ultra sound pics I have ever layed my eyes on.

Hank and Mary said...

Oh my gosh, he is so beautiful. I love his little lips, eyes, cheeks. I can't believe how amazing the U.S. is. We get to see him soon, and you get to hold him close to you for a bit longer!

The Jaymac Clan said...

He is beautiful! I'm so excited for you guys. A scheduled C-section was so nice. It makes its so easy to plan for everything. Did you have a c-section with Henry?