Today I had another altrasound and everything is going fine. Baby boy is getting so big. He's almost 4 pounds already. They said he will probably be a big boy. That's what I like.... A thriving big baby. They said that he is breech and that I would have to c-section, good thing that I am already having one! If everything goes as planned we should be having him the first week of december. Look at that cute chubby cheek!!!!!

He looks like such a cutie already!!!
Wow, the ultrasound is amazing.. I'm shocked at how detailed it is..
Glad to hear everything is going well. Looking forward to meeting him soon!
Auntie MJ
I Love you little Baby!
Those are the best ultra sound pics I have ever layed my eyes on.
Oh my gosh, he is so beautiful. I love his little lips, eyes, cheeks. I can't believe how amazing the U.S. is. We get to see him soon, and you get to hold him close to you for a bit longer!
He is beautiful! I'm so excited for you guys. A scheduled C-section was so nice. It makes its so easy to plan for everything. Did you have a c-section with Henry?
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