Geez, it seems like it's been a while since I've last posted something. Not really too much going on here at the Tait home front. Everyone has been sick and finally getting better now. Henry still has a runny nose which drives me crazy. I feel like I am constantly wiping his nose. I feel so sorry for young ones that can blow their noses. Henry has a constant snot stripe on his arm from wiping it and probably has nasty salty snot dripping in his mouth. Yuck! Anyways, can't wait for it to go away.
Jason had to work late tonight because today was the last day that candidates can file their campaign finance reports, but he got out early which was a nice surprise. Here are some pics from this evening. Sorry they are not that exciting.

On the contrary. I love your pictures. Really I do. They make me smile and feel so happy. It helps me pretend I get to see you guys on a more regular basis. :)Thank you very much.
P.S. How are you and Charlotte doing?
What a great looking place. Ahh coming home early. Nice.
That little boy is getting more handsome and more handsome! I want to pinch him!........c.
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