Several weeks ago, Cassandra started a Blogger raffle and we're continuing the game. Just reply to this post or email us with your name and you're in. Seven days from now (next Saturday), we'll draw a name from the hat. The winner gets the N.D. doll above. Cassandra's prize was a cool Christmas bulb. Jason won that time, so now it's his turn to host the raffle. Whoever wins the ND doll will have to host the next raffle. Hope to hear from you.
I'm IN!! John M. Nelson
Henry. A Tait is in.
I am in Adam
We're there!.......c.
I'm in.
Mary C Tait
I'm in, gosh!
I'm in ... as long as someone can tow me in to town. ST
i am in.... lucas
i am in spencer
I'm in too...I hope....Stephanie
I am in...Liz Berger
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