Thanks to Hank and Mary Tait, the TaitX3 family blog will entertain you all once again with photos and video clips of our exciting life! Thanks for the camera, Hank and Mary, it was an awesome Christmas gift.
We had a blast visiting everyone in Michigan for Christmas with a perfect ending with the birth of our new niece Cassie.
Henry loved playing with his cousins. He got spoiled with lots of gifts from his Grammy Mary and Papa Hank and Aunts and Uncles.
It took over 15 hours to drive to Michigan, it was a very long night, but glad to have arrived safely. On saturday Mary, Cassandra, Christina and I went to "Let's do the dishes" to paint ornaments. It was so much fun. Then we meet up with the guys at La Senorita's for at tasty lunch. Sunday we all went to Church then hung out at home and watched a movie and ate lots of food. Christmas Eve, we did a lot more hanging out and eating then at night the adults partook in the White elephant exchange. We had a lot of fun. I ended up with cool kitchen gadgets from Cassandra (not Cassie) and Jason got a beautiful painting of a barn on a piece of slate from Hank and Mary. We were very fortunate this year with all our gifts! Thank you Jesus for being born!
Christmas morning we all opened our gifts then had a huge breakfast. Then the Herman and Dan Tait family had to go to their in-laws for Christmas, so Hank, Mer, Christina, Jason, Henry and myself just relaxed all day. It was nice. I even took a nap! I stayed in my pajamas all day, it was great! We did a lot of hanging out and EATING! I'm looking forward to get back into my excercise regime again and lose all the weight I gained this holiday season. Then comes the most exciting day of all... wednesday. The day Cassie Tait was born. We left for the hospital around 7am, by around 9am we were holding our new niece. It was awesome! About 10am we had to end our memorable visit to Michigan. We got home around 11:30pm. It really wasn't that bad of a trip. What a perfect Christmas week! Hope everyone had a great Christmas.