We had a very nice Easter this year.
Saturday morning Jason (he was sick) and the kids decorated Easter eggs while I went out and did last minute shopping.
I had so many fun things that I had planned to do this year for Easter but never had the time to do them. Why can't I find the time?!?!?!
On Saturday afternoon we enjoyed a nice dinner at my parents house with all my siblings and their kids. It was crazy and fun.
Poor Jason stayed home because he was fighting a bad cold. He was even sent home from work on Friday.
Saturday night was fun filling the kids Easter eggs with change and hiding them all around the house.
This year I filled one basket for the kids to share. I'm thinking I like that idea instead of separate baskets.
The kids were so cute Easter morning searching for eggs. Jude was really good at it. I'm bummed that I didn't get any pictures of it.
After a chocolate breakfast we headed to Church to celebrate my favorite day of the year. What an amazing Love story it is, a love story indeed.
Jason taught Sunday School so I was worshiping solo until I got that call that Charlotte wouldn't stop crying in the nursery. She joined me and we sang together and enjoyed a great service.
After Church we headed to my parents house for Easter dinner. It was weird because it was just me and my little family, my Mom, Grandmother, Great Aunt and brother Thomas. I don't think we have ever celebrated a holiday with only 9 people. It was quiet but very enjoyable.
I missed my Dad, big time.
p.s. sorry about the crappy pictures again, i keep forgetting my camera so I have to use my phone. I'm not good at taking pictures with my phone.
Nice pictures Kara. I don't care that they are from your phone, its still my family in those awesome pics. Thank you so much. :0
So cute Kara, gosh, the kids are getting so big! Miss you!!!!!!
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