I keep forgetting to ask Jason to take pictures of my fat pregnant belly, so the other day I was asked to post pics but no one was around so I did it myself. They didn't come out that great but at least I got the belly. I apologize in advance for the nasty belly button and white stomach. Man, I have a good tan (and its not because I get to lay out everyday, it's from running around outside all day with kids in the heat).
I can't believe that I have a little over a month to go before I have this baby girl. It seemed like time went by really fast in the beginning now it's like time stopped. I'm doing ok, just really exhausted and hot. Jude likes to get up at the crack of dawn (5am) luckily my husband steps up to the plate and gets up with him, but I never really fall back asleep. I'm at the point now that it is so hard to get comfortable laying in bed, this girl sure does like to kick the heck out of me and lean on every organ especially my bladder. I'm also blessed with big swollen ankles and feet. I hope I don't sound too much like a complainer. I am blessed to be able to carry this sweet baby girl in my belly and I would go through and torture to be able to do it.
Now that everyone got a glance of my belly, I am having another guess the weight contest. Cheryl Nelson Priest won Judes and got a really cool prize, right Cheryl?
Just leave a comment with your guess and if you guess right you will win a prize. Please no duplicate guesses. Good luck.
7 pounds 3 ounces.
8lbs 1oz
8 pounds 6 ounces!!! Kara you look great!!
8lbs 0oz
7 7!
7 lbs 12 oz
7lb 14oz (Susu stole my guess!)...........c.
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