Today is one of those days. I feel big, fat and bloated and not yet showing. This pregnancy has been totally different from all my others. To start, I have had absolutely no nausea during this pregnancy. With my other babies I was so sick for 3 months straight. I'm not showing yet. Well, maybe a little. But usually by now I would have a good sized bump. You can't even tell I'm pregnant. Just that I've gained weight. I feel like this baby is stealing my beauty, my face is nasty and dry and my hair looks and feels like hay. I also feel like I've been hit by a truck. I am so dang tired. I hope I don't sound like a "Debbie Downer" I just wanted to point out the difference from this pregnancy to my others. Oh yeah, and one more thing, this baby has put me through an emotional roller coaster ride since my first doctor's visit. We are going to have a long talk when he/she is born!
I am blessed that this baby is healthy and thriving so far. Let's hope and pray it stays that way!
On March 17th, we will be finding out what the gender is.... I just have a strong feeling it's a girl this time. Either way we are blessed.
Any guesses? I have a poll on the right side of the blog.
First; I will be marking that date in my date book! Second! You are beautiful! I love the recent pics of you. Stop being so hard on yourself! You are beautiful inside and out! And hey...I had a girl and I looked healthier and cuter than I did with Petey. I was a big fat mess with my first pregnancy...lol
Ps.... I just voted in your poll!
I voted that you will have a GIRRRRRLLLIEEEE! I can't wait till I can guess the weight... :)
That is picture is too much, you! Embrace your pregnancy!...in all of it's glory! ;) ...........c.
Isn't it amazing how different pregnancies can be? My two pregnancies were nothing alike. I know its easy to feel bad about yourself when you are prego but there is no way you could be anything but beautiful so no worries.
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