Not too much going on at the Tait home front. We are enjoying our summer, trying to stay cool from the heat wave he have had the past week.
The boys are getting so big. Jude is already 8 months! I can't believe how time flies by. He is sitting up all by himself and pretty much crawling. All he wants to do is run! I bet he will be walking within the next two months. He cut a tooth the other day and loves to eat. (can you tell by his size!)
Henry is such a sweet boy. He loves "swimming" in the pool and playing outside. I finally cut his hair about a month ago. I cried and cried after I did it because he looks so grown up. I hated it at first but now i like it.
Jason and I are doing fine. Nothing really to report.
Hope everyone enjoys the last couple weeks of summer!

Henry does look really grown up with that haircut. Both your boys are so handsome!.......c.
I can't believe how grown up Henry looks and I can't believe how big Jude is. I love the gladiator helmet. Simply adorable boys!
Doesn't Jude look drunk on his slurpee?
I love Henry's haircut! It is adorable!!! He looks like the cool kid on the block ;)
I love all the new pics!
I love Henry's haircut!!!! It looks great! You do a great job!
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