Jude loves to give raspberries and loves to spit. I think he might even be teething. Jude loves to be held by his mommy and is a cranky boy if he's not. Jude just adores his brother Henry and vice versa. Jude almost rolled over yesterday trying to get his toy that was next to him. He loves to it up and try to grab his toes. He loves bare feet and loves to get his diaper changed. His neck constantly smells like smelly cheese because of his drooling. He's finally growing hair, but not sure what color it will be. It is very blonde right now. I wonder if he will be a red head like his daddy? I am bound to have a red headed child.....
That's about all I can report what's new with Jude.
I just love that little boy and thank the Lord for him and his brother daily.

So cute!!!!!!!! Doesn't time go by too fast. I swear I just brought Micah home from the hospital yesterday and apparently, it has been 10 months now.
Look at that darling face. I could just kiss it and nibble on it.
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